As part of our SPARK Social Justice project, aimed at 18–30-year-olds in the Leeds Diocese, we are launching a sponsorship scheme for people in this age group to attend the National Justice & Peace Network (NJPN) Conference in July of this year.John Battle, Chair of the Commission commented, “I know that younger generations are just […]
18 Feb 17 – “Towards a Listening Church” Conference Report
Not only was this event a Leeds J&P Conference, it was also the place where we launched our Annual Review for 2016 and, on top of that, it was also an Open Networking Day of the National Justice & Peace Network (NJPN). As a result, not only were there people from across the Diocese, there […]
17-19 July 2015 – NJPN National Conference
This was the 37th Conference organised by the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN). Over 300 people from all around the country gathered at the Swanwick Christian Conference centre focussed around the theme of \’The Things that make for Peace\’.These conferences are a mix of keynote speakers, panel discussions and workshops.