St Monica’s Housing started in December 2010 providing accommodation for women who are seeking asylum in the UK. These women have no access to public funds or housing and are destitute.
St Monica’s provides free housing, food and support in accommodation of a good standard. Residents can be from any ethnic, faith or non-faith group and are encouraged to develop a ” family living ” environment within the house, where all are treated with dignity and respect.
Our mission is to make St. Monica’s a haven for our residents where they have some respite from the harsh reality of life as asylum seekers. It also gives us the
opportunity to befriend and support those who have been abandoned and excluded from our society.
From March 2016 St. Monica’s formed a new Board of Trustees who started working with the RC Diocese of Leeds to develop an unused presbytery into accommodation for six female asylum seekers.
The new house opened in July 2016 in South Leeds. In the year to July 2017 we have provided a home for 15 women; 2,300 days of accommodation; and the six rooms have been in great demand.
From the feedback so far, the opportunity to stay at St Monica’s has had a positive impact on residents’ confidence and well-being. It has created the space to build a supportive social network; and progress their case which for some has led to a positive resolution of their resident status.
By providing practical help: Become a befriender or volunteer
By providing financial support: Could you sponsor an asylum seeker for part of their stay?
It costs £80 per month to provide a living allowance for each resident. The Charity is eligible for gift aid so if you are a tax payer your donation goes further.
If you are interested in supporting St Monica’s or want more information contact them using
See their website for more details about their work