
We have partnered with a number of organisations and we have been involved in the set up and management of a number of others.

We are still actively involved in the management committees, or  we work regularly with the following:

West Yorks Community Chaplaincy teamWest Yorkshire Community ChaplaincyA Commission member serves on the Management Committee
SVP logoSt Vincent de Paul SocietySeveral Commission members are actively involved.
logo for Caritas LeedsCaritas LeedsCatholic Care Caritas focus on social action service provision following on from Catholic Social Teaching.
logo for World Development charity CAFOD
CAFODCAFOD no longer has a presence in the Leeds Diocese but we actively support LiveSimply and CAFOD campaigns
pax christi logoPax Christi E&WWe regularly work with Pax Christi on peace and nonviolence
Leeds Citizens logo
Leeds CitizensThe Commission is a member of Leeds Citizens and actively supports its work.
St Monica's HousingCommission members helped set up and continue to help manage this organisation