Newsletter Archive

2024 Newsletters

MonthArticles Include
June-General Election Special! - linking Catholic Social Teaching to our priorities
-Faith and Food event write up
May-Write up of our Listening event about poverty - which was held in Cottingley
-SPARK at Leeds Citizens
Accountability Assembly
-Youth & Student CND at Parliament
-In memoriam Suzanne Oakes
-Gingko Tree Project update
April-Faith in food event promotion
-Just Politics
-Leeds Lives: Bishop Tony Parry
-Lessons from the East - the radical power of a community pantry
-Stop Arming Israel
-NJPN joins calls for a Gaza ceasefire
March-Financial Appeal
-Farewell celebration for Dr Helen Reid of Leeds Church Institute
-Resilience & working for Justice-the 2024 Romero Lecture
-Leeds Trinity creating a future for the Global Common Good in partnership with CAFOD
-Peace Education & Conflict Resolution
February-LiveSimply parishes across Leeds meet together
-2024 Romero Lecture details
-Mazzini's dreams in London
-Leeds Lent Prayer Diary
-Holocaust Memorial Day: the fragility of freedom
January-Listening to the Signs of the Times
-Partnership with Palestinian Film Festival goes from strength to strength
-Nuclear Ban Treaty - a week in New York
- In someone else's shoes (Modern Day slavery)

2023 Newsletters

MonthArticles Include
December 2023-Listening to the Signs of the Times
-A Call for solidarity with Filipino Health Workers
-SPARK Advent event at Wibsey
-The Second Meeting of the State Parties to the TPNW – From our own Correspondent!
-What can we do about the conflict in Gaza?
November 2023-An Introduction to SPARK
-Empower, Lead, Change - a SPARK leadership event
-Season of Creation events at Mary Mother of God parish, Bradford
-Leeds Palestinian Film festival & SPARK Social Justice
-Faith & Creativity - a tool for leadership in Social Justice
-The Windrush Generation
-The nonviolence of Jesus in a Violent World
October 2023-Advocacy, Faith & Justice: an exploration
-New premises for the Peace Museum
-Trees for Life, remembrance and Peace
September 2023-Laudato Si in action - a visit to the Salford Diocese climate change garden & centre
-Signs of Hope in a troubled world (with CAFOD)
-A reflection on climate Change
-A reflection on the 2023 NJPN Conference
-Follow-ups from the NJPN Conference
-Peacejam 'Slam' comes to Leeds in November
July 2023-LiveSimply comes to John Mary Vianney parish
-Climate Action & Schools
-Environmental stewardship in places of Worship
-The Season of Creation 2023
-From asylum seeker to Priest - a journey of faith.
-The anti-boycott bill
-Fossil-free Parliament
- A celebration of creation in Our Lady of Kirkstall
June 2023-Progress on the Journey to 2030
-CAFOD needs you!
-Refugee Week 2023
-International Conscientious Objectors' Day write up
-LCI features work of Craftivists
May 2023-Encounter, Conversion, Hope - our Day of Reflection about Climate Change
-Northern Dioceses' Environment Group to meet in Leeds
- Husan Zomlot in Glasgow
April 2023-Appeal for New Commission Members
-Listen to J&P Podcasts!
-Join the SPARK Community
-People of the Move
-LCI Creativity Carousel
-Women in Black in Yorkshire
March 2023-Yorkshire CND gig in Bradford
-Christian Groups and April Climate action events
-Lent at CAFOD
-Commission members meet with The Twelve
February 2023-Romero Lecture 2023
-Director of Catholic Mission at Leeds Trinity University
-Fairtrade Fortnight 2023
January 2023-'They keep us sane': A visit to the Faslane Peace Camp
-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI RIP
-CAFOD's 2022 Reflection and Hopes for 2023
- Leeds Church Institute in 2023

2022 Newsletters

DateArticles include
December 2022- Climate Prayer vigil at Bishops' Conference meeting at Hinsley Hall
- Comboni abuse survivors update
- CAFOD: Thank to the Achille Ratti Climbing Club for your support
- A Christmas of Discontent? by Joe Burns
- Boycott: Learning lessons from the American experience
- The Poor pay the Price by John Battle
November 2022- Meet our new Leeds CAFOD Community Participation Co-ordinator
- One year on from COP 26
- Nigerian Flooding
- Exploring Prophecy- our Day of reflection in Harrogate
- Commission to sponsor film in 2022 Leeds Palestinian Film festival
- SPARK Project Advent Action
October 2022-Bike for Peace by Tim Devereux
- An introduction to LCI (Leeds Church Institute)
-Is it time for a One State Solution in Israel Palestine?
- Racial Justice and the J&P Commission
-Leeds Charities offering Cost of Living Support
September 2022-Thank you to Bronagh Daly
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki Commemorations across Yorkshire
-The Need for Priorities by John Battle
-Ss John Fisher & Thomas More parish, Burley in Wharfedale, gains CAFOD Live Simply Award
-Major event for SPARK Social Justice
-Follow up to Fr Paul article
July 2022-Vienna TPNW Treaty Conference
-Roe Vs Wade overturned
-From A to B via C : Anglia to Bentham via CAFOD
-Beard Protest - new idea for protesting!
June 2022-Yorkshire CND at Lakenheath
-TPNW Youth conference final thoughts
- Bradford City of Culture 2025
- LGBT inclusion in Catholic Schools - Diverse Educators
-Fix the Food System-CAFOD's new campaign
-What can we do about Palestine?
May 2022-Renewing the work of Justice & Peace in the Leeds Diocese
-A New saint with Diocesan Connections: St Charles de Foucauld
-SPARK Social Justice welcomes new Project Manager
-What can we do about Palestine?
April 2022-CAFOD's 60th Anniversary
-CAFOD remembered in the Leeds DIocese
-Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
-Commemorating the Assassination of St Oscar Romero
March 2022-Ukraine: What should we do?
-Laudato Si for Parishes and Homes
-Current Commission Climate Work
-Never too young to help: CAFOD's Walk Against Hunger
February 2022-Commission Response to the Diocesan Listening Process
-War & Climate Change
-Church Action on Poverty Sunday & Health for All 'pantries'
-CAFOD's Lenten Walk Against Hunger

January 2022-Congratulations to our Chair on his knighthood
-2022 - a time for renewal
-Young women in the Church: A million Minutes webinar
-The Nationality & Border Bill
-Young People, Church, Spirituality and becoming leaders by Dr Ann Marie Mealey
-Racial Justice in the Leeds Diocese

2021 Newsletters

DateArticles Include
December 2021-New funding for SPARK Social Justice
-Palestinian Film festival event write up
-Synodal Listening Process
-Comboni Survivors
-In work poverty and the SVP (part 2)
November 2021-An Invitation to Catholics of Colour
-COP26 events around the Leeds Diocese
-Stephen Cottrell Webinar
-The Diocesan Synodal Listening Process
-Attending COP26 with CAFOD
October 2021-Conflict & Climate Change
-Charity, Justice & Philanthropy
-In-work Poverty and the SVP
-Leeds Palestinian Film festival & the Commission
September 2021-Season of Creation & COP26
-'Caring for Life on Earth' conference, personal reflections from Sara Parker & Matty Maslen
-Bradford Climate Emergency Walk
July 2021-NJPN Climate Change Conference Report
-Campaigning about Climate Change: meet your MP!
-Ideas for the Season of Creation 2021
June 2021-G7 Cornwall meeting a wasted opportunity
-Commission response to the Government's 'New Plan for Immigration'
-Season of Creation 2021
May 2021-Introduction to our Annual Review, by John Battle
-Bishops' Pentecost Statement
-A Catholic response to the Environmental Crisis
-Commission expresses solidarity with Jerusalem Churches
April 2021-Write up of the 'Politics rooted in the People' International Conference
-Sponsorship scheme for Climate Change Conference
-Reflections on the Nonviolence course we organised with Leeds Pax Christi
-J&P Commission Easter Statement
-Housing the Homeless
-Celebrating Earth Day 2021
March 2021-SVP Respond to the Budget
-Peace Sunday write up
-Stations of the Cross by John Battle
-Financial Appeal
February 2021-Lent Online 2021
-Poverty Sunday 2021
-Update on Leeds Destitute Asylum Seekers Support
-Global Healing
-CAFOD's Lenten challenge
January 2021-Still Rolling with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative
-SPARK Social Justice Project Update
-the Pope's Message for Peace Sunday

2020 Newsletters

DateArticles Include
December 2020-A time to Reflect
-Living Laudato Si by Sr Margaret Atkins
-Commemoration of the Women Martyrs of El Salvador by Sr Gemma Simmonds
November 2020-New Economic relationships by John Battle
-J&P Online
-Church Action on Poverty: Reset the debt
-The Foodbank - an arranged Guardian article
Film Review: Jews Step Forward
October 2020-An Age of Meditation and Prayer by John Battle
-The Onion: A Creation Reflection by David Jackson
-SPARK Social Justice project update
-J&P Sponsorship of 2020 Leeds Palestinian Film festival
September 2020-John Hume RIP by John Battle
-Hiroshima & Nagasaki remembered
-Nonviolence & the Catholic Church
-Where is your money invested?
-A Way through the Woods, a Reflection by David Jackson
-Letter to Power by John Duffy
July 2020-Report on the J&P Annual Gathering (via Zoom)
-CAFOD's Summer of Hope
-Caritas Leeds: Criminal Justice Inquiry
-Bishop Marcus signs up to Anti-nuclear weapons statement by Christian CND
-We could all do with a bit of 'Factfulness' - a book review
June 2020-News from the refugee support group in lockdown by Lucy Irven
-LEDAS-Leeds Destitute Asylum Seekers network
-Was Jesus in favour of a universal Basic Income?
May 2020-A just wage? - Courage is what is needed by Dr Ann Marie Mealey
-J&P Climate Crisis Action Group update
-Can we still campaign in a time of lockdown?
April 2020-Our new 'virtual' J&P world
-Pilgrimage, Palestine & acting justly
-SPARK Social Justice goes virtual
-Charitable Action? - by John Battle
- A review of 'Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story
March 2020-St Mary & St Michael, Settle, Obtain Live Simply Award
-Update from our project with young people -SPARK Social Justice
-Investing for Peace
-UK Poverty by John Battle
February 2020-A Taste of Palestine
-Expanding Involvement in the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Scheme
-Hello and Goodbye
-Northern Dioceses' Environment Grp Report Back
January 2020-The life of a CAFOD Schools' Volunteer
-the work of the Holy Family Sisters in Bradford
-Little Voices: Big Difference

2019 Newsletters

DateArticles Include
December 2019-Before you go and vote...
-Settle Re-settlement update
-J&P Palestinian Film festival film
-St Monica's housing update
-SPARK Social Justice update
November 2019-Care of our Common Home in St Teeresa Benedicta parish
-Reflections on the Family Poverty workshops in Baildon & Shipley
-Drones & Modern Warfare: write up of a Sabeel meeting with Chris Cole of Drone Wars UK
-Is it time to ditch 'The Kingdom of God?'
-Creation & Eucharist-our Autumn Day of Reflection in Mytholmroyd
October 2019-A growing Church- a young person's perspective
-A prayer network for our time
-2nd Million Minutes Award winner in the Leeds Diocese
-SPARK Social justice project update
-Family Poverty workshops project update
-Little Voices: Big Difference - our plans for a day with John Bell
-Diocesan Live Simply roundup
September 2019-Beyond the Live Simply Award
-World Day of the Poor 2019
-Women in Black
-Diocesan Environment Policy in preparation
-Launch of Leeds Big Climate Conversation
-Financial Report for 2018-19
July 2019-Climate Change Mass Lobby of Parliament Report
-Leeds Citizens Assembly Report
-Poems of Hope Schools Competition
-Celebrating Young People Awards
June 2019-New Pax Christi Director visits Leeds Diocese
-Goodbye to CAFOD 'Step into the Gap' volunteer, Madeline
-New Live Simply Awards in the Diocese
-Jean Vanier remembered
-Sabeel Yorkshire Report: Resisting the Naqba
May 2019-Live Simply Awards in the Leeds Diocese
-Cancelling Debts
-Creation Masses in the Leeds Diocese
-SPARK Social Justice Project
April 2019-Family Poverty workshop materials launched
-Reflecting on Climate Change
-New CAFOD Director visits Leeds Diocese
-CAFOD & J&P look back over the years at Lent Lunch
March 2019-Helping refugees in 2019
-Inter-generational conversation about Climate Change
-Housing & homelessness
February 2019-Reflection on poverty by Fr Pat Smythe
-Project Bonhoeffer conference write up
-Holocaust Memorial Day in Huddersfield
-CAFOD's new 'Hands On' campaign
January 2019-Redoubling our efforts on Climate Change
-A Pilgrimage to Palestine
-Syrian Refugee Resettlement Scheme update from Settle

We do have newsletters from before this – so if you have a specific enquiry then please email us.