
All donations go towards our activities on deepening awareness of social justice issues and inspiring people to take action.  Could you help by:

  • Paying a regular amount to help the work of the Commission?
  • Making a one-off donation to the Commission?
  • Helping to fund a specific event or project?
  • Leaving the Commission a legacy by making a provision in your will.


A regular donation to the Commission is a fantastic way of helping as it gives us more confidence about the income we are going to receive.

Simply download the Standing Order Form, fill it out, sign it and post it back to us and we will take care of sending it to your bank.




Make a one off or a regular donation to our work by using the Leeds Diocese My Giving page for the Commission.






Legacies are a great way to ensure that work for Justice & Peace can continue into the future in the Leeds Diocese.

If you want to discuss this with someone then please email and the  Treasurer will get in touch.

I N C R E A S E    T H E   V A L U E   O F   Y O U R   D O N A T I O N   B Y   2 5 %

If you are a taxpayer then you can increase the value of any donation by Gift Aiding it. It’s another form but it is very simple to fill out.  Simply return it to the J&P office when you have completed it.
