It was only last month that we were reporting on the 300 or so young people who have attended SPARK workshops in the last few months – using drama to explore issues of social justice such as UK poverty and the devastating impact that it can have on people’s lives.With the lockdown, of course, all […]
Social Action
taking actions on issues of social justice
06 Feb – Fixed term job opp with Caritas Leeds
The Diocese of Leeds is seeking to appoint a dynamic and enthusiastic researcher with a passion for social justice. Your main task will be working with volunteers to develop outcomes from an exciting action research project: the Caritas Leeds Criminal Justice Inquiry. This is a fixed term contract of two-days a week (April-September 2020). Closing […]
23 Jan – St Monica’s Housing needs a Treasurer
St Monica’s Housing Ltd. is a small charity providing accommodation for failed women asylum seekers. It is based in Leeds and is working to extend to other parts of the Diocese. Members of the Commission were instrumental in helping to set this charity up and continue to be involved. We quite regularly provide updates about […]
02 Dec – Great Progress at St Monica’s Housing
This update was provided by John McLaughlin, a member of the St.Monica’s Housing Management Committee and a member of the J&P CommissionSt. Monica’s Housing was founded in 2010 by a member of the Justice and Peace Commission and a member of the SVP. Since then many women who are made deliberately destitute when their first […]
28 Nov – Settle Re-SETTLEment update
Paul Kelly, parishioner at Ss Mary & Michael, Settle, and project lead for the Refugee ReSETTLEment Community sponsorship Group, sends this update. Twenty months since a parish meeting agreed to start the community-wide project to welcome and provide for a family displaced by the Syrian conflict, 5 months since the Home Office approved our intensive […]
07 Jul – Student in Leeds Diocese obtains Million Minutes Award
The official list for the Celebrating Young People Awards 2019 was announced in London’s West End on the 3 July. Nominations were gathered from schools, parishes and organisations across England and Wales. The awards – now in their fourth year – are powered by the Million Minutes Organisation and honour the achievements of those young […]
14 Jun – Jean Vanier remembered
By Marjorie Parker Jean Vanier died peacefully on 7th May. At his requiem Mass, Marie-Helene, his long time friend and co-founder of Faith and Light reminded us that “to die is not a lamp going out but a new light lighting up, Jean has given us a new light” What is the light that Jean […]