Sometimes it can be quite depressing when you realise how few people have actually heard of Laudato Si. The fact that it is rarely heard about from the pulpit is also distressing. Yet, the background to taking action on our Climate crisis is a wonderfully positive ‘creation theology’.The title of this piece is the title […]
Catholic Social Thought
aspects of catholic social thought
04 Jul – Hustings @ St Benedict’s, Garforth
By Marg Siberry & Brian Flynn, St Benedict’s GarforthThe recent electoral boundary changes resulted in Garforth becoming part of the new Leeds East constituency, so Churches together felt it was important to provide constituents an opportunity to hear the views of all the candidates on issues that concerned them. The main arrangements for the meeting […]
10 May – Leeds Citizens Accountability Assembly
By Kathy Shaw – SPARK ManagerSPARK and the Justice and Peace Commission are members of Leeds Citizens and at their Accountability Assembly at the end of April we heard from the potential Mayoral candidates for West Yorkshire. I went with Anthony, one of our SPARK supporters and John Battle Chair of the J&P Commission also attended. […]
05 May – Listening in Cottingley
By Joe Burns, Commission MemberJust prior to Christmas the Commission held a ‘Listening’ event at Wheeler Hall, Leeds. People coming along welcomed the opportunity to share their varied social justice concerns and we determined that, as a Commission, we should hold further events like it.At the end of April, we met at St Mary & […]
20 Apr – Leeds Lives: Bishop Tony Parry
By Emma Temple, LCIOn Thursday 14th March, Christians around Leeds gathered to hear Bishop Tony Parry tell his story of faith at New Testament Church of God.As Dr Helen Reid introduced him, it was clear from the extensive list of communities he’d served and titles he’d held that this was a life whose impact created […]
By Joe Burns, Commission MemberThis is the title of an event that has beenorganised by the Northern Dioceses’Environment Group (NDEG). The NDEG firstmet in 2017 to bring together people whoare concerned about the environment andwho are also active in their own dioceses. Itwas inspired by Pope Francis’s Laudato Siencyclical and created an opportunity tobring together […]
08 Apr – Preparing for the General Election
CAFOD and the SVP have joined forces to help prepare the UK Catholic community for the upcoming General Election. Their introduction to this campaign is as follows:The common good is reached when we work together to improve the lives of people both in our local community, and in the wider world. The SVP’s and CAFOD’s campaign […]