Many people hope that one day they can go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land; to see for themselves the places where Jesus walked and where key events in the bible are thought to have taken place. All of us want to be able to identify better with the Gospel stories that we have heard […]
Catholic Social Thought
aspects of catholic social thought
05 Mar – SPARK Social Justice Project Update
An update from Aoibheann Kelly, Project Director Last time I wrote, we were just about to begin our SPARK social justice journey – since then, we have delivered workshops to almost 300 young people within the Diocese and are coming to the end of our first phase. We have explored a number of pertinent issues […]
14 Feb – Goodbye and Hello!
First the Goodbye! – from Joe Burns What is happening?I’m retiring from providing paid services to the J&P Commission. I had my 65th birthday recently and have been providing the Commission with my services since mid-2014. What have you been doing for the Commission?I put together the newsletters, I developed and update the website and […]
23 Jan – Women in Black now in Bradford
We recently featured the start up of the Women in Black group in Leeds. Now a group has started up in Bradford and they would welcome any women who are able to come along to their regular vigils (dressed in black, of course). They are holding their vigils on 1st Thursday of every month. They […]
15 Jan Living with Hope and Courage in a Hostile Environment
Sr Maria Crowley of the Holy Family Sisters, Bradford reflects on their work with asylum seekersThis is a real challenge to us, in these dark times, where we are confronted daily with the great harm, we are capable of doing to each other. As we listen to the news and read the newspapers we hear […]
06 Dec – The General Election is coming!
As a Commission of the Catholic Church it is not our role to advise you to vote for specific candidates or parties. However, there are two key messages that we would like to get across to everyone in the Diocese of Leeds:-Go out and Vote!Catholic Social teaching is where Faith and Politics meet. Think about […]
06 Dec – SPARK Social Justice Catches Fire!
Our project working with people aged 16-30 is starting to take off. Earlier this week over 100 students at St Mary’s High School in Menston took part in workshops exploring UK poverty through drama.Aoibheann Kelly, the talented theatre professional who is leading this work commented ”Drama can help young people to make sense of the […]