Leeds J&P continues to provide opportunity to reflect, pray and take action on our three priorities. These activities now take place online through Zoom primarily. This medium has its challenges, praying together can be done but we can’t hear each other but we can be together to share ideas and reflect on the issues we […]
Catholic Social Thought
aspects of catholic social thought
16 Oct – J&P Sponsors Film and Discussion event as part of Film Festival
The Leeds Palestinian Film Festival provides an opportunity to find out about the Palestine Israel conflict from various angles – and with stories that are rarely told in the mainstream media.Last year we took the step of sponsoring a film called ‘Voices Across the Divide – with voices of Palestinian and Jewish people who had […]
09 Sep – Catholic Schools, the Pandemic and the Climate Emergency
By David Jackson, ShipleySeveral J&P members in the diocese have just finished an on-line programme presented by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM – based in Rome) to ‘graduate’ as LAUDATO SI ADVOCATES in October. As part of the course, Dr Lorna Gold (Trócaire and GCCM) presented a sobering assessment of the growing existential threat […]
25 Jun – Imaginative work about Refugee Week
Schools may have been in lockdown but children from the Faith in Action group at St Benedict’s primary school in Garforth had already decided to do some work on International Days. The idea is to broaden out the childrens’ views of what it might mean to take action because of their faith: that it is […]
17 Jun – News from the Refugee Support Group in Lockdown
By Lucy Irven, Diocesan Refugee Support Group FacilitatorSince the start of the lockdown response to the COVID-19 pandemic eleven weeks ago, the work of the Diocesan Refugee Support Group has been paused. However, we continue to be concerned for the welfare of those who are seeking sanctuary as refugees and asylum seekers here in the UK. […]
22 Apr – Charitable Action?
By John Battle, chair of the Commission The Easter Alleluia hymn for morning prayer could not be more prescient in these times: “Then Life and Death together fought, alleluia, Each to a strange extreme were brought, alleluia”. Certainly, the coronavirus pandemic is not allowing us to move too quickly through the Paschal Mysteries this year. […]
15 Apr – SPARK Social Justice goes Virtual
It was only last month that we were reporting on the 300 or so young people who have attended SPARK workshops in the last few months – using drama to explore issues of social justice such as UK poverty and the devastating impact that it can have on people’s lives.With the lockdown, of course, all […]