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Come to the Houses of Parliament with CAFOD on 18 March to speak to your MP about Pope Francis’s Jubilee message. It ends quite late so you would probably need to stay over in London – but, hey, make a mini-break out of it!
CAFOD say about this event:
Pope Francis has called for us to be “signs of hope” this Jubilee year, urging us to push for rich governments to cancel debts “of countries that will never be able to repay them”.
That’s a message we need MPs to hear – and that’s why we want to invite you to share this call with your MP in the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday 18 March between 6:00pm-8:00pm at CAFOD’s parliamentary reception.
After you sign up, we’ll share tips on how to invite your MP to meet you at the reception and how to approach your conversation with them.
And if you’re able, join us at CAFOD’s London office at 4:00pm to discuss more about our campaign to cancel debt during the Jubilee year.
Places are limited, so register now to let us know you want to join us in Parliament on 18 March!
Use the button to sign up to attend