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2025jubileeyear art astonishingsecret AsylumSeekers bangladesh beginwiththeheart biodiversity boarbankhall Bradford Bradfordcathedra; bradforduniversity CAFOD CAP Caritas carj CatholicEduation CfID ChurchesTogether CitizensOrganising CityofSanctuary ClimateActionLeeds ClimateCoalition climatecrisis climatejustice CND Colombia Columbans commonhome commonweal ConscientiousObjection corporatecourts cottingley Creation creativity cst DavidOluwale disability Doughnuteconomics eclas EcologicalConversionNetwork Election ElSalvador environment Fairtrade foodfutures Foodsovereignty fratellitutti GaudiemetSpes Girl Effect GlobalJusticeNow GreatBigGreenWeek hibiscusrising Hiroshima holynamemanchester hooklecture hope HPPH humanrights ICAN Indigenouspeoples Jou jubilee jubilee2025 justiceandpeace juststopoil latinamerica LaudatoSi LCI Leeds leedsbeckett LeedsCityCouncil Leedsevents leedsjandp Leedsjp leedsminster LeedsTrinity Lent Liturgy Livesimply lobbying LPFF LTU MAP MaryknollSisters MAW MichealMears MiddlesboroughJandP music Mytholmroyd NDEG netzero Nickolai Kirche NJPN Nonviolence Norwood nucleardisarmament Oldham PaxChristi Peace PeaceMuseum peacesunday poetry povertytruthcommission preston ProjectBonhoeffer racialjustice racism reallivingwage Reflection refugees renate repentance Retreat RobEsdaile Romero RomeroTrust Ronald J Sider RoyalArmouries SalfordDiocese Saltaire ScottishLaityNetwork seasonofcreation seeds sketch SouthAfrica SPARK sparksocialjustice Spirituality spred StmarysTwickenham sustainability SVP Synodality synodallistening syria TheCommonGood thedisappeared TheMistake TPNW trafficking walter wink westbank wheelerhall Wigan womeninchurch worlddevelopment YCND York yorkshire yorkstjohnuni
March 2025 is Church Action on Poverty Sunday. Give, act and pray with others to help build a movement to end UK poverty – inspired by the powerful ‘Dreams and Realities’ art exhibition. Use the button to find out more and get hold of the resources to help you mark this Sunday.