It’s taken a while to sort out, but you can now listen to the talkstalk given by David McLoughlin at our Day of Reflection held in October 2022. This day was titled ‘Has the Church become a ‘Not for Prophets’ organisation? In this first talk, David explores what is meant by the ‘prophetic imagination’. You […]
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Commission National Justice & Peace Network Liaison member
Someone to report on the Commission’s activities and priorities at a national level and report back to the rest of the Leeds Commission on what is happening with other J&P Commissions and committees,
12 Feb – Catholic Mission at Leeds Trinity University
By Dr Ann Marie Mealey, Director of Catholic Mission at LTU and J&P Commission memberSince Leeds Trinity was founded by the Cross and Passion Sisters in 1966 as two Catholic Teacher Training Colleges, it is clear that the vision for what was then known as Trinity and All Saints College was one of transformation of […]
05 Feb – Responding to the Cry of the Poor Today
Every year the Romero Trust organise a short lecture tour with a visiting speaker with personal connections to St Oscar Romero or El Salvador. This year the speaker will be Peggy Healy and we are delighted that, in partnership with Leeds Trinity University, we will be hosting a presentation of her talk at Leeds Trinity […]
29 Jan – Laudato Si: What more can we do?
On the 17 January we held our first Zoom conversation of 2023. It was with the Rt. Rev. John Arnold, Bishop of Salford. Bishop John is the lead on Climate Change for the Bishops’ Conference and he is also a trustee of CAFOD. He was in conversation with Commission Chair, John Battle, about the importance […]
15 Jan – A visit to the Faslane Peace Camp
By David Kelly, Vice Chair, Scottish Campaign for Nuclear DisarmamentLast year was the fortieth anniversary of the Faslane Peace camp, situated across the road from the home of Britain’s nuclear submarine fleet. The four submarines that are equipped with Trident nuclear missiles, have been joined by the seven nuclear powered submarines of the Astute class, […]
09 Jan – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, RIP
By Dr Ann Marie Mealey, Commission member and Director of Catholic Mission – Leeds Trinity University(This article was fist published as a blogpost by Leeds Trinity University)We are saddened to learn of the death of Pope Emeritus XVI. This news will sadden those who had a deep appreciation of his theological writings and those who had […]