from CAFOD
We are several months into the Year of Jubilee, a holy year named ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ by Pope Francis. It’s tempting, in our busy world, our busy lives, to just let it happen around us but that would be to miss a key moment in the life of faith, and a vital moment for our world.
The phrase “May you live in interesting times” is not known as a blessing, but rather quite the opposite. We hold on to hope precisely because we live in interesting times.
When we act together, we can do more than we might know. Perhaps you can take a moment now to reflect on what God might be calling you to, this Jubilee.

Here are some important updates on Family Fast Day, The Big Lent Walk and overseas aid…
- Family Fast Day this Lent in your parish, Friday 14 March: In the year of Jubilee, encouraging parishioners to give generously to our Fast Day Appeal is a vital way we can respond to Pope Francis’ call for us to be tangible signs of hope for our sisters and brothers. Electronic versions of Lent parish resources (including prayers of intercession for Sundays in Lent) are on CAFOD’s website (you will need to scroll to the end to see all the resources). Do speak to your parish priest about the CAFOD collection and speaking at Mass (ideally on 8/9 March or 15/16 March).
- New short talk: In light of the UK government’s decision to cut the overseas aid budget, CAFOD has made a revised version of the Fast Day short talk, which mentions this and invites parishioners to act with compassion in this moment through their giving to their Lent Appeal. If you would like to use that new talk when you speak at Mass, you can find it here.
- CAFOD Lent Appeal 2025: An introduction for parish volunteers and helpers. For those who weren’t able to come to a local meeting, please see this inspiring video of our national briefing covering tips for making Fast Day happen in your parish, more information about CAFOD’s work in Marsabit in Kenya and about the impact of recent international developments.
- CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk is upon us! Thank you to those who have signed up. It’s not too late, and you can still join as an individual, Parish group or alongside your local school. Search ‘Big Lent Walk’ on the CAFOD website or go to to sign up and do share with anyone who may be interested.
- Overseas Aid: As mentioned, the Prime Minister has announced that the aid budget will be cut again, to its lowest level since 1999. In some of the most vulnerable places on earth, more people will die and many more will lose their livelihoods. Please contact your MP and call on the UK government to stand by our sisters and brothers around the world. More info here.
- Jubilee update: The Jubilee continues as a vital year for restoration, renewal and work for a just global society. For all resources see including CAFOD’s Jubilee intro show and reflection guide for download or currently available in print.
- Finding our voices in the Jubilee Year Tuesday 11 March 6.30pm. Hear from two incredible speakers and enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink. Join Adeniké, CAFOD ambassador and semi-finalist of The Voice UK, who is currently touring as Whitney Houston in Queen of the Night, and Brian Nyerere, a Kenyan activist. Rooftop Pavilion, CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JB.
- Live simply, care deeply, Saturday 3rd May, Wheeler Hall, Leeds City Centre. A date for your diary. Your parish are welcome to come for a day to inspire renewal through living more simply, sustainably and in solidarity with everyone experiencing poverty. CAFOD’s Director Christine Allen will be there with Leeds diocese J&P Commission in partnership with existing LiveSimply parishes. We will share ideas and local support to help more parishes take up the LiveSimply journey this Jubilee year. Sign up and more details coming soon here
- On Wednesday 9 July, CAFOD will join many other organisations for a mass lobby of Parliament in London
- Join CAFOD’s community rosary every Thursday from 9-9:30am.
- See all upcoming national CAFOD online events here