by Joe Burns, Commission Member
Re-dedication of Br Guy Jarrosson’s Gravestone (1926 – 2013)
Br Guy Jarrosson, a long time supporter of J&P in the Leeds Diocese, was a Little Brother of Jesus of St.Charles de Foucault. For many years he and his fellow brother, Xavier, lived in a house in Wortley. Their vocation called them to serve God amongst working people. Xavier had skills in woodwork and Br Guy worked at Yorkshire Chemicals on Kirkstall road in Leeds (now demolished). For a number of years he was a union shop steward.

From the start of the Commission in 1973, Br Guy was involved. He spent many years as a Commission member. During the 1980s he was lead person in a group examining the world of work and issues of justice in the workplace and he continued to support the Commission’s work until his death in 2013.

His gravestone had become eroded to the point where it was unreadable. Friends paid for a more sturdy replacement and a short re-dedication service was held on 20 February, attended by J&P supporters and members of the local parish (Holy Family) who remembered him. We were delighted that Br. Xavier was able to come across from Lille (where he now lives) and join everyone for this event.