by Tim Devereux

Tim is a member of the Leeds Diocese pax Christi group and has recently stood down as chair of MAW (The Movement for the Abolition of War).

In 2024, I cycled 313 miles from Leeds to Brighton over five days in aid of Medical Aid for Palestinians. In 2025, I intend to raise money for the same cause, but this time with a bigger mileage – eleven times bigger! – 3431miles, the distance from Leeds to Gaza.

I will just be riding around Yorkshire, aiming at an average of 10 miles a day, so starting on 1st January, my target finishing date is 10th December.


Tim wearing a cycle helmet on a towpath

This year I will be using all of my bikes – 8 at the moment. I’m a bit of a collector! I’ll try not to use the same one on successive days, and the ebike will feature – it’s a legal one and I still have to pedal!


Over all my rides in 2024, I rode about 1800 miles, an average of almost 5 miles/day, so 10 miles/day will definitely be a challenge.

Why I’m riding: The situation in Gaza, Palestine and the Middle East continues to be heartrendingly awful. As an elderly man in Yorkshire, there is not much I can do to influence the combatants. But as the saying goes, ‘Better to light one candle than curse the darkness.’

Medical aid for Palestinians logo

I am still fit enough to cycle every day. So as I carry out the challenge, MAP will get funds to assist the victims of violence, and I will have a year or so of cycling for peace. Plus it’s a great way to promote cycling!”

bike at reservoir
bike on street

If you’d like to support Tim, the JustGiving page is here:
(you can contribute at any time during the year!)

Follow Tim on Instagram: @tim_7x13