In case you are wondering, NDEG = The Northern Dioceses’ Environment Group and is made up from people concerned about our climate crisis who live in parishes across the North of England.

They are organizing 3 Zoom meetings during this Autumn that may well be of interest to many in the Leeds Diocese.

The first one on Sep 26 @7pm is about Diocesan Environment Policies.

solar panels on a church roof giving the shape of a crossBernadette Jordan and Emily Cahill (Laudato Si’ Centre Environment and Learning Officer, Diocese of Salford) will do an initial presentation headed ‘Diocesan and schools Laudato Si developments; responses to having a Diocesan Climate Strategy in Salford’. This will lead to a wider discussion on the work in progress across the northern dioceses. What lessons can we learn from each other?

If you are interested in joining this zoom then simply email and NDEG will send you the link for the Zoom.

The second of these Zoom meetings will be on Monday 28th October at 5pm. This meeting will be focussing on the LiveSimply award scheme managed by CAFOD. The aim of this session is to give an update on how the Live Simply award is developing and equip people with practical suggestions for implementation in parishes or schools. There will also be time for discussion across the dioceses represented and general networking time.

The third Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday 27th November at 12 noon and will be led by Mark Wiggin of Salford Diocese. We are coming up to ten years since the publication of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si. What has happened in northern dioceses so far and where do dioceses go next in the Laudato Si journey. There will be short inputs from several dioceses along with the usual opportunity to discuss some of the points and to generally network.